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Local quartet, The Innermissions, put on a concert at the Talmage School, Saturday evening, the 21st.
Making homemade ice cream in the 5 gallon electric ice cream maker that was built by Mike Holt and Dale Coup is from Left: Verl Coup, Kenny Chase and John Chase.
Vivian Detrich visits with Ardis Winslow Holt during the ice cream social. In the back ground from L: Mike Holt, Elvin Winslow and J. W. Romberger.
Ice cream was served at the Community Center by Kathy Marsteller Coup and Virginia Marsteller to Lori Craig and sons
Local quartet, The Innermissions, put on a concert at the Talmage School, Saturday evening, the 21st. This tribute to serviceman, SFC Darrell Cole, who is serving in Afganistan, and whose wife, Charity and daughter, Kaitlin, live in Talmage, included Kaitlin’s help with the tribute.
The oldest Talmage High School graduates attending the Talmage School Reunion on Sunday were: L to R: Alfred Koelling, Class of 1939, J. W. Romberger, Class of 1938, C. Wayne Banks, Class of 1942, and Vivian Koelling Gormley Detrich, Class of 1940.
An old-fashioned free Ice Cream Social was held at the Talmage Community and Senior Center from 5-6:30, Saturday the 21st of September, 2013. Cutting cakes are Left: Barbara Wuthnow and Twila Engle.